Version management

This page explains the benefits of object-level versioning and versioning in the event of an erroneous bulk change action.

Object-level version control

Object-level versioning provides a number of key benefits to KLEKSI users:

  • Historical traceability : Versioning allows you to record and maintain the complete history of every object in your collection. This means you can always see what changes have been made, who made them and when they were made. This gives you a detailed overview of the development of each object in your collection.
  • Reverting changes : Version control makes it easy to roll back object-level changes. If incorrect information was entered accidentally, you can go back to a previous version of the object and restore the correct information. This saves time and minimizes possible errors in your collection registration.
  • Collaboration : Versioning promotes effective collaboration between team members. Multiple users can simultaneously make changes to different versions of the same object, enabling parallel work. In addition, conflicts when merging changes can be resolved by comparing and consolidating versions.

How does it work
Click on the three dots behind a field (object data) and select 'Version management'. In a new screen you get an overview of your current and previous sessions. When you click on a session, all changes you have made during this session are displayed. By clicking on a change you can see which field and which value you had changed. Click 'Revert' to revert the change.

Version management in the event of an erroneous bulk change action

KLEKSI also provides version control functionality to address any issues with erroneous bulk change actions:

  • Restore actions : In the event of an erroneous bulk change action, you can use version control to quickly and easily restore your collection to its previous state. You can go back to an earlier version of the entire collection and undo the unwanted changes.
  • Minimize data loss : Versioning saves all versions of your collection, including before and after the changes. This minimizes the risk of data loss, even with large and complex bulk change operations. If something goes wrong, you can always go back to a previous version and restore the data.
  • Audit trail : Version control provides a detailed audit trail of bulk change actions. You can view and analyze the change history to understand who made what changes. This helps identify potential errors, assess the impact and take appropriate action to prevent recurrence.

How does it work
Click "Bulk History" in the menu. You will see an overview of all bulk change actions that you or a colleague has performed. Click on the button behind the bulk change action you want to reverse. All changes made during this bulk change action will then be reverted to the previous state.

Object-level versioning and erroneous bulk change versioning provide valuable benefits to museums, heritage institutions, libraries and archives using KLEKSI. With historical traceability, the ability to revert changes, improved collaboration and the ability to minimize data loss, KLEKSI offers a reliable and flexible solution for managing and registering collections.