
KLEKSI is equipped with tours or guided tours that explain to the user the operation of every button and function in the system. You can click on three dots next to the title of the page for each part. You will then be given the option to view a tour.

Using guided tours in KLEKSI offers several advantages to users:

  • Detailed explanation : Guided tours provide users with a detailed explanation of every button and function in KLEKSI. They learn how to perform specific actions and gain insight into the various possibilities the system offers. This reduces the learning curve and helps users quickly become familiar with the system.
  • Interactive Guidance : Tours in KLEKSI provide interactive guidance by taking users through the interface step by step. They are encouraged to perform each action and receive instant feedback on their interactions. This ensures an active learning experience and increases the understanding of the functionalities of KLEKSI.
  • Tailored Learning : Tours can be tailored to the specific needs of users. They can be adapted to different roles or user levels, ensuring that each user gets the information relevant to their roles and responsibilities. This maximizes the efficiency of the learning process.
  • Review option : Tours can be saved and viewed again later. Users have the option to refer to the tours whenever they need to, which is useful for refreshing knowledge or working with lesser-used features. This gives users the flexibility to learn at their own pace.
  • Accessibility : Tours in KLEKSI are accessible to all users, regardless of their skill level or learning style. They support new users to quickly become familiar with the system, as well as experienced users who want to discover new features or expand their knowledge.

Using guided tours in KLEKSI provides significant benefits to users, including detailed explanations, interactive guidance, tailored learning, review options and accessibility. These tours contribute to the effective and efficient use of the collection registration system and ensure that users can optimally benefit from the functionalities that KLEKSI has to offer.

To access the tours in KLEKSI, please refer to the "Help" or "Tours" section of the system. For further questions or support, please contact our support team. We are ready to help you and make sure you get the most out of KLEKSI.