KLEKSI modules

Specially designed for your collection and audience.

Every collection is unique, and so is your audience. With our specially designed modules you can create a registration system that perfectly matches your needs. Flexible, powerful and easy to use.


Customizable and simple.
Customizable and simple.

KLEKSI is developed with the user in mind and offers a flexible approach to managing your collection.

No learning curve.
No learning curve.

KLEKSI is intuitive and user-friendly.

Working in the cloud.
Working in the cloud.

Work from any location, anywhere in the world, where you have an internet connection.

Costs according to consumption.
Costs according to consumption.

KLEKSI grows with your collection, you only pay for what you actually use.

Updates included.
Updates included.

No extra costs, your system is continuously improved with free updates.

24/7 AI helpdesk.
24/7 AI helpdesk.

Our 24/7 helpdesk provides support with advanced AI technology, so you always get the help you need.

Always insight.
Always insight.

View detailed statistics and insights into what your system is using at any time.

Professional presentation.
Professional presentation.

Let your collection shine with a user-friendly and technically high-quality frontend for your visitors.

No unexpected costs.
No unexpected costs.

We are completely transparent so you know exactly what you are paying. No unexpected costs, ticket prices or expensive courses.

Discover the perfect license for your collection.
Quickly calculate your costs, request a demonstration or let us create a tailor-made plan for you.

Our pricing structure offers flexibility and simplicity, so you always have a solution that suits your organization and budget.