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Presentation KLEKSI and Linked-Open-Data during NDE knowledge session in Heineken Experience in A'dam

Presentation KLEKSI and Linked-Open-Data during NDE knowledge session in Heineken Experience in A'dam

A knowledge session was held in the Heineken Experience in Amsterdam, attended by 120 museums from the Netherlands and Belgium. Five software suppliers and their customers explain how their collection registration systems work on connecting and sharing heritage information.

KLEKSI was also invited to this meeting to briefly explain the new collection registration system and to show how user-friendly Linked-Open-Data can be managed from the KLEKSI system.

Checklist for collection registration systems
How do you know whether you can share and connect information with others from your collection registration system in a simple and standardized manner? Use the checklist below. By answering the five questions, you know how far you have come with the possibilities of the registration software you use. Connecting and sharing heritage data works easiest with software that supports all five functionalities.

- Is there support for using durable identifiers?
- Can collections be included in the Dataset Register?
- Is the metadata published as linked open data?
- Is it possible to work with terminology sources? For example via the Terms Network?
- Is this part of the standard version of the software?

These questions can all be answered with "YES" by KLEKSI.

Connecting heritage is key
Connected heritage is central to the National Strategy for Digital Heritage. For the general public and users, information about our heritage collections only really comes to life when information comes together and can therefore become more meaningful. We call this 'connected heritage' in short. It is essential that the heritage information from the source, ie from the heritage organizations themselves, is made more useful. This idea was taken up five years ago by heritage organizations together with a group of enthusiastic suppliers of collection registration systems – Axiell, Cit, Picturae, DEVENTit, De Ree and Sofco. The collaboration resulted in a list of functionalities that software suppliers, together with heritage organizations and with support from the NDE, have developed and (partly) introduced. In the coming period, we will continue to work hard to make the step towards the visibility of the connected heritage.

View the presentation of KLEKSI . below
By Maurice van Kessel (Kleksi) and Mat Rongen (Museum Thorn)

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Who is KLEKSI for

See below for whom KLEKSI can offer a solution.



Manage your collection of paintings, sculptures, drawings and / or other objects in or from your museum.

Heritage institutions

Heritage institutions

Managing, archiving and digitizing the legacy for future generations.

Foundations and associations

Foundations and associations

Digitize, document and archive objects within your foundation or association.