NEW! Entry-level packages for organizations with a smaller budget


KLEKSI automatically generates a QR code for each object, useful for your depot but also for your visitors.

With KLEKSI you can use QR codes, which KLEKSI automatically generates for you, to inform visitors about your objects. This creates an extra revenue model for your museum, association or exhibition. Visitors who scan a QR code are automatically redirected to the page where more information about the object is listed. Place or hang the QR code next to the object and your visitors can retrieve information about the object in question with any smartphone.

From now on, your collection is also accessible to people with disabilities

KLEKSI automatically transfers the title and description of each object from text to speech, making your collection accessible to a wider audience. Text-to-speech (TextToSpeech:TTS) extends the reach of your collection and caters to different needs of different users. Such as low-literate people, children and adults with learning disabilities or reading disabilities such as dyslexia and people with reduced vision. But also for all people who simply rather listen than read.
