Getting to know Wouter Daemen from the 'House for the Arts Limburg' in Roermond

Getting to know Wouter Daemen from the 'House for the Arts Limburg' in Roermond

Through Museum Thorn, Sofco was put in touch with HKL, the 'House for the Arts Limburg' in Roermond. Here they met Wouter Daemen. From the 'House for the Arts Limburg' he has been working as a digital heritage coach since September 2019.

Together with fellow heritage coaches elsewhere in the country, he is part of the organization NDE (Network Digital Heritage). Organizations in the field of culture, heritage, education and research together form the Network Digital Heritage. NDE works with suppliers of heritage software, provinces and municipalities on the implementation of the National Strategy Digital Heritage, supported by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science.

Wouter informed Sofco about the strategy of NDE, about DERA, the Digital Heritage Reference Architecture and about which advanced functionalities are needed in a collection registration system to meet the future requirements of museums and heritage institutions. Through Wouter, Sofco came into contact with his enthusiastic colleagues who devised and developed these functions/components. With the help of a short explanation and an extensive manual, the people at Sofco were able to get started. The challenge was to integrate these functionalities in KLEKSI in such a way that the user-friendliness is not lost. The deadline: in any case before November 4, because that is when KLEKSI will be introduced for the first time at other museums, namely at the 'Museum Vakdagen trade fair' in Rijswijk. To be continued...