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Terms Network

Users want to be able to find digital heritage as easily as possible. As a collection manager, you must provide your material with unambiguous terms. KLEKSI is linked to the NDE Term Network.

KLEKSI offers an 'out-of-the-box' (API) link with the NDE Terms Network in the Netherlands. The user can have a word that he has entered searched through the Term Network in all existing thesauruses, such as RKDartists, GTAA, Wikidata or AAT. The system shows all results found and for each result the user can see which broader or narrower term belongs to it, which description the thesaurus offers with the associated link to the relevant information. The user can make a choice and link the term that fits best. In addition to the Terms Network, it is also possible to link other thesauruses on request. For predicates there is a link with Dublin Core, and in the future with Europeana.

How it works
For example, if you use the name 'Rembrandt', it is not immediately clear which Rembrandt you are referring to. Rembrandt van Rijn? Rembrandt the Elder? Or do you mean the movie 'Rembrandt'? KLEKSI searches through the term network directly and in real time for matching terms in various terminology sources. KLEKSI shows all results found and you simply choose which term it concerns. In this way it is clear to any user or researcher who or what you meant.

Terms Network