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Customized overview

Configure the view that works best for you

A flexible and adaptable overview is essential for an effective collection registration system. That is why we offer you the possibility to fully customize the overview, including the columns, image size and column width. This brings several advantages and enables you to create an overview that perfectly matches your specific needs.

One of the main benefits of customizable columns is that you can display the information that is most relevant to you. You can add or remove columns based on the data fields that matter to you. This gives you the opportunity to quickly and easily see the information you want without being distracted by unnecessary columns. Whether it's the title, author, location, status, or a custom field, you can tailor your statement to meet your specific registration needs.

You can also adjust the size of images in the overview. This is especially useful if images are an important part of your collection. You can increase the image size to view detailed views or decrease it to get a wider view of multiple images. By adjusting the image size, you can quickly include visual information and get a better view of your collection items.

Another advantage is the ability to adjust the column width. This allows you to give the most important data fields more space and make them clearly visible in the overview. You can use wide columns for fields that contain a lot of text, such as the description, and narrower columns for fields with shorter values. By adjusting the column width, you can improve readability and make the information easier to scan.

Customizable columns, image size and column width give you full control over how your summary is displayed. This leads to an improved user experience, increased efficiency and faster data analysis. You can adapt your overview to your specific preferences and working method, so that you can view the most relevant information at a glance.
