Set permissions

You can set read and write permissions for your users on topics, object groups, collections, and object fields.

You can determine which rights your users will have. Each user has been assigned a role. By default, there are 4 roles in the system, 'Administrator', 'Editor', 'Employee' and 'Analyst'. You can set the read and write rights for the different roles per subject, per object type, per terminology or per procedure. Users with a certain role will then have access to certain parts or will not have access.

The 'Member Portal' module offers more freedom
If you use the 'Member Portal' module, you can create your own roles and give each role access to only the parts that you want the specific user to have access to. You can create a role for users of the KLEKSI dashboard, for example for a photographer who only has access to the DAM / File Manager or a role for a member who has access to collections, objects or object data that are not shared publicly via the frontend on your website.

Set permissions