NEW! Hoot, an AI-powered helpdesk for system usage, object information and object descriptions

NEW! Hoot, an AI-powered helpdesk for system usage, object information and object descriptions

We are excited to announce an exciting new development at KLEKSI. Namely Hoot, an artificial intelligence (AI) helpdesk. With the help of Hoot, users in the museum, heritage and archive sector can access relevant information 24/7 and get immediate answers to their questions. This new feature is currently in alpha and will be tested in collaboration with the Eindhoven Museum in the coming period.

Hoot is an easy-to-use chat feature that helps you find the information you need quickly and easily. With Hoot, you have direct access to the brain of the system 24/7, wherever you are. Whether you’re working in another museum, on the road, or working on a project outside of office hours, Hoot is always there to support you.

One of the key benefits of Hoot is direct and immediate access to information. No more wasting valuable time searching for documentation or browsing through extensive manuals. With Hoot, you get quick and relevant answers to your questions, allowing you to do your job more efficiently.

How does it work? It’s simple. Open the chat box, type your question and receive a clear and understandable answer right away. The powerful AI technology behind Hoot ensures that you receive reliable and relevant information, supported by the latest knowledge and insights. You can ask questions about how KLEKSI works, for example how to add a photo to an object, or where to add a new field to an object type. It is also possible to request object information. Hoot is trained on a wide range of topics and can provide information about museum works, such as their history, artist, style, materials and more.

Hoot also offers another great feature. It can generate object descriptions based on data you capture in KLEKSI. This means you save time and effort in creating engaging and accurate descriptions for your collection(s). Thanks to advanced AI technology, Hoot analyzes the relevant details of objects, such as historical background, artistic style, and materials. It provides suggestions and inspiring phrases that can serve as the basis for your descriptions. This makes your collection items come to life with consistent and meaningful descriptions.

Hoot is now in the alpha version and will be tested extensively in the coming month in collaboration with the Eindhoven Museum. After the beta version is released and everything has been carefully tested, Hoot will be made available to all KLEKSI users. Hoot hoot!!

Click here to learn more about Hoot.